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jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering, 2nd edition

Sanjay Kumar Shukla

Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering details the different types of geosynthetics and their practical application for students and for practising engineers seeking efficient, cost-effective solutions to civil engineering problems.

Written by subject specialists, the second edition of Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering details the basic concepts of geosynthetics and their application in major civil engineering projects in an easily-readable form. With new chapters on filters and drains, tunnels, and the use of geosynthetics in sustainable development, the handbook is fully updated in line with current research and developments.

Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering:

  • Explains the technical, economical and environmental advantages of using geosynthetic construction materials over conventional solutions to field problems
  • Discusses methods of analysis, design, construction and field monitoring of structures constructed with geosynthetics
  • Describes the practical applications of geosynthetics with general and specific application guidelines, including seismic aspects, for the most effective solutions to specific field and research problems
  • Presents case histories of geosynthetics use
  • Concludes each chapter with a summary of main points and common questions and answers
  • Identifies further potential areas for research

An essential resource for practising civil, geotechnical, transport, hydraulic, environmental and mining engineers in search of novel approaches for solving civil engineering problems using geosynthetics; Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering is an invaluable reference for civil engineering researchers, lecturers and students, as well as for manufacturers of geosynthetic products, including polymer industries, and specialised contractors.


List of contributors
About the handbook

1. Fundamentals of geosynthetics S. K. Shukla

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Definitions and classification
1.3. Historical development
1.4. Basic functions and selection
1.5. Raw materials and manufacturing processes
1.6. Properties and test methods
1.7. Application areas
1.8. Standards
1.9. Summary of main points
1.10. Some common questions and their answers
2. Soil-geosynthetic interaction M. L. Lopes 2.1. Introduction
2.2. Granular soil behaviour
2.3. Soil-geosynthetic interaction mechanisms
2.4. Soil-geosynthetic interface resistance
2.5. Factors influencing soil-geosynthetic interaction
2.6. Laboratory tests for quantification of soil-geosynthetic interface resistance
2.7. Summary of main points
2.8. Some common questions and their answers

3. Filters and drains A. H. Aydilek 3.1. Filters 3.2. Geotextile filters
3.3. Geotextile filtration mechanism
3.4. Factors affecting geotextile filter behaviour
3.5. Laboratory filtration performance tests
3.6. Filtration design
3.7. Filtration of high water content geomaterials with geotextiles
3.8. Drains
3.9. Summary of main points
3.10. Common questions and answers

4. Retaining walls B. M. Das 4.1. Introduction
4.2. Design considerations
4.3. Design procedure for retaining walls with geotextile reinforcement
4.4. Design procedure for retaining walls with geogrid reinforcement
4.5. Self-evaluation questions
4.6. Summary of main points
4.7. Some common questions and their answers References

5. Embankments E. M. Palmeira

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Geosynthetics as a basal reinforcement in embankments
5.3. Geosynthetics for drainage in embankments
5.4. Combined use of geosynthetic reinforcement and vertical drainage
5.5. Piled embankments
5.6. Summary of main points
5.7. Some common questions and their answers

6. Shallow foundations S. K. Shukla
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Reinforcing mechanisms and functions
6.3. Reinforcing patterns
6.4. Modes of failure
6.5. Model tests
6.6. Load-bearing capacity analysis
6.7. Settlement analysis
6.8. Prestressed geosynthetic-reinforced foundations
6.9. Geosynthetic deflection profiles and strain analysis
6.10. Field applications
6.11. Summary of main points
6.12. Some common questions and their answers

7. Unpaved roads P. L. Bourdeau and A. K. Ashmawy 7.1. Introduction
7.2. Unpaved road reinforcement
7.3. Summary of main points
7.4. Some common questions and their answers

8. Paved roads S. W. Perkins, R. R. Berg and B. R. Christopher

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Distress features and their relationship to geosynthetics
8.3. Geosynthetic functions
8.4. History and experimental evidence for base reinforcement
8.5. Summary of critical design variables for base reinforcement
8.6. Design solutions and approaches for base reinforcement
8.7. Summary of main points
8.8. Some common questions and their answers

9. Railway tracks S. A. Tan and S. K. Shukla

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Track components and substructure
9.3. Functions of geosynthetics
9.4. Properties of geosynthetics
9.5. Design procedure
9.6. Installation of geosynthetics
9.7. Case histories in railway track stabilisation
9.8. Geosynthetic drains for track drainage applications
9.9. Summary of main points
9.10. Some common questions and their answers

10. Slopes - erosion control T. S. Ingold and M.-H. Li 10.1. Introduction
10.2. Interaction of rain and river erosion
10.3. Mechanics of surface erosion
10.4. Classification of erosion control systems
10.5. Design approach
10.6. Study of short-term yield factors
10.7. Erosion control performance testing of geosynthetics
10.8. Lifetime cost and the performance of erosion control products
10.9. Summary of main points
10.10. Some common questions and their answers

11. Slopes - stabilisation S. K. Shukla, N. Sivakugan and B. M. Das 11.1. Introduction
11.2. Types and orientations of geosynthetics
11.3. Function of reinforcement against slope failure
11.4. Stability analysis of reinforced slopes
11.5. Design aspects of reinforced slopes
11.6. Model tests
11.7. Stabilisation methods in practice
11.8. Summary of main points
11.9. Some common questions and their answers

12. Landfills H. Zanzinger, E. Gartung and W. P. Hornsey 12.1. Introduction
12.2. Multi-barrier concept
12.3. Landfill categories
12.4. Basal lining systems
12.5. Components of the composite liner
12.6. Construction of liners
12.7. Leachate collection and removal
12.8. Cover system
12.9. Summary of main points
12.10. Some common questions and their answers

13. Earth dams D. N. Singh, S. K. Shukla and D. N. Arnepalli 13.1. Introduction
13.2. Use of conventional materials
13.3. Use of geosynthetics
13.4. River bed and bank protection
13.5. Design considerations
13.6. Summary of main points
13.7. Some common questions and their answers

14. Containment ponds, reservoirs and canals D. Poulain, N. Touze-Foltz, L. Peyras and C. Duquennoi 14.1. Introduction
14.2. Historical background
14.3. Design of geosynthetic systems
14.4. Evaluation of the durability of geomembranes
14.5. Case studies
14.6. Summary of main points
14.7. Some common questions and their answers

15. Hydraulic tunnels D. Cazzuffi, A. Scuero and G. Vaschetti 15.1. Introduction
15.2. Geomembrane systems
15.3. The exposed liner system
15.4. The covered liner system
15.5. Summary of main points
15.6. Some common questions and their answers

16. Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls and slopes - seismic aspects R. J. Bathurst, K. Hatami and M. C. Alfaro 16.1. Introduction
16.2. Material properties under dynamic loading
16.3. Seismic analysis and the design of walls and slopes
16.4. Physical testing of model walls and slopes
16.5. Seismic buffers
16.6. Observed performance of reinforced soil walls and slopes during earthquakes
16.7. Summary of main points
16.8. Some common questions and their answers

17. Geosynthetic applications - general aspects and selected case studies S. K. Shukla

17.1. Introduction
17.2. General guidelines
17.3. Quality control and in situ monitoring
17.4. Cost analysis
17.5. General problems
17.6. Selected case studies
17.7. Summary of main points
17.8. Some common questions and their answers

18. Geosynthetic applications - sustainability aspects
A. Bouazza and G. Heerten
18.2. Economical and environmental advantages of using geosynthetics
18.3. Life-cycle assessment
18.4. Comparison of different construction methods
18.5. Summary of main points
18.6. Some common questions and their answers

Observaciones: 2 Ed. Año de Edición:  2012.
21x29 Páginas 424
Precio Euros    131,00

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