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viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

B.B.K Huat, See Sew Gue.Faisal Haji Ali
Focused on tropical areas and their unique problems and issues, this work examines all aspects of residual soils engineering, including both theoretical and practical aspects. This book gives the practitioner a thorough understanding of the characteristics of these soil types, their formation and their material properties, while guidelines on application, stabilization and assessment, reveal how this knowledge can be used in the field. The authors have extensive expertise with this type of ground engineering, and include a case study to illustrate the technical aspects. Graduate students, researchers and professionals in soil and rock mechanics, and geotechnical engineers working in tropical regions will find this an invaluable resource.
1. Origin, formation and occurence of tropical residual soils H.Singh & Bujang B.K.Huat
2. Sampling and testing of tropical residual soils Bujang B.K.Huat, A.Alias & S.Jamaludin
3. Index, engineering properties and classification of tropical residual soils S.Maail, Bujang B.K.Huat & S.Jamaludin
4. Unsaturated residual soil F.H.Ali & H.Rahardjo
5. Slope failures in tropical residual soil L.Shaw-Shong
6. Slope assessment and management A.N.Hussein, H.Omar & S.Jamaludin
7. Guidelines for development on hill-sites G.See-Sew & T.Yean-Chin
8. Characterization of tropical soils in the design of material as natural foundation and fill T.W.Hui & R.Nithiaraj
9. Stabilization of tropical residual soils Bambang I.Siswosoebrotho, M.Hossain, A.Alias & Bujang B.K.Huat
10. Slope stability and stabilization T.Yean-Chin & C.Chee-Meng
11. Soil erosion and sedimentation assessment, control and management plan for the tropical region R.Z.Abidin & T.K.Hui
12. Geoenvironmental aspects of tropical residual soils M.R.Taha, K.Ahmad, A.A.Aziz & Z.Chik
13. Development and appliation of a spatial database for residual soils A.R.Mahmud, A.R.Mohamed Shariff & S.B.Mansor
14. Country case study: engineering geology of tropical residula soils in Malaysia B.K.Tan
Observacion   Julio   2012   Texto Ingles
Paginas           258
Medidas         17x24
Precio  174,00 Euros



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